How Mold Hits Home, Part Two

What it feels like to test for CIRS

Sybil Sanchez Kessler


View from inside a coal mine: barrel-vaulted arches highlighted in yellow and surrounded by black, with a yellow pile of wood at the back, vanishing point. I can’t fathom that I might be starting to see the end of this psychic tunnel.
I can’t fathom that I might be starting to see the end of this psychic tunnel. Photo: Taton Moïse, Unsplash

How mold hits home is multifaceted and not a one-step process. With that in mind, I’m still preparing to take a bunch of diagnostic tests while processing that I probably have chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS).

As I wrote before, I was exposed to mold during childhood, but it’s also likely that I have lived in places…



Sybil Sanchez Kessler

Chronicling chronic illness. Also: Jewish life, being a US immigrant to Mexico, parenting….maybe some poetry. Certified Functional Health Coach.